Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Jesus is counting on you, and so am I.
Through our baptism, each of us is incorporated into the living Body of Christ. Jesus is counting on His Body to live a life of gratitude to God and a life of love to our neighbor. This is the very heart of our faith as Catholics.
For this reason, the theme of the 2024 annual Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA) is Our Grateful Witness.
Thanks to the continued, generous support of parishioners like you, we can fund the important ministries and programs of our diocese which are outside the scope of our pastorates.
In this link, you will find the grateful witness of a college student, a parish priest, three young adults, and the parents of young boys and girls. These are just a handful of the countless lives that are transformed thanks to your gifts to the CMA. Their stories illustrate how the ministries and programs supported by the appeal are providing opportunities to awaken the fire of God’s love in the people of our diocese. You can learn even more about these stories in the videos on our Catholic Ministries Appeal website.
This year, we are implementing a new Holy Family Giving Society to recognize and thank parishioners for their significant generosity to each year’s appeal. More importantly, in an effort to lead a growing spirit of gratitude and generosity in our diocese, I am aiming for 100% participation. No gift amount is too small. Can I count on your commitment to support the mission of our diocese in 2024?
Please ask the Holy Spirit to guide you as you pray about how you are called to gratefully witness to His love through your financial gifts and intentional prayer for the CMA.
Be assured of my continued prayers for you. I ask that you pray for our local church as we go forth to help every soul across our 24 counties in North Central Indiana encounter Christ’s love and hope through Our Grateful Witness.
Gratefully yours in Christ Jesus,
Most Reverend Timothy L. Doherty Bishop of Lafayette-in-Indiana